Turumuzda önce İznik Müzesi'ni, ardından Şeyh Kudbettin Camii'ni gezdik. Yeşil Cami'nin çinileri, müzedekilerden daha fazla etkiledi bizi. Sarı Saltuk Türbesi'nden sonra Çandaroğulları Türbesi'ni ziyaret ettik.
Şehir Roma şehri üstüne kurulmuş. Halen kullanılan yollar kazıldığında bile eski Roma yolları ortaya çıkıyor. Çini atölyeleri de halen üretime devam ediyor.
A couple of weeks ago we went to Iznik attending an organization of Chamber of Architects Istanbul Metropolitan Branch. The tour started with a great boat trip. Company of Eyup Muhcu, Head of Istanbul Metropolitan Branch was precious for us.
We started with Iznik Museum. And moved on to Seyh Kudbettin Mosque. Ceramics in Yesil Mosque were more impressive than the ones in the museum. Then we visited tomb of Sari Saltuk and Candarogulları.
After Kirgizlar Tomb, we moved on to Haci Ozbek Mosque. Murat I Bath, antique ceramic workshops, Roman Amphitheater, Hagia Sophia were the following stops.
After Kirgizlar Tomb, we moved on to Haci Ozbek Mosque. Murat I Bath, antique ceramic workshops, Roman Amphitheater, Hagia Sophia were the following stops.
A fish meal along the shore of Iznik Lake was something we cannot miss.
The town was founded on the ancient Roman city. Even the roads thar are currently being used are Roman routes. And the ceramic workshops keep the old tradition alive, producing ceramics of various style.
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Güzel bir gezi olmuş...Bu türlü gezilere katılmak için illaki mimar mı olmak gerekiyor?
Sadık Pişkin
Elektronik Y.Müh.
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