In the last Ramadan we attended a night trip, organized by Gezenbilir. Hoping that this year we may join one again, I decided to make a short tour to get prepared.
Önce evimin yakınlarındaki motorlu araç akıntısını kaydetmek istedim.
First I recorded the motor vehicle flow around home.
Ardından, biraz uzakta, kendi kendilerine havada süzülen ışıklar gördüm.
Then I witnessed lights flying by themselves.
Kadıköy rıhtıma inmeden önce, dolaşmanın beni hep mutlu ettiği Yeldeğirmeni'ne uğradım. Yılbaşı süsleri kaldırılmamış bu güzel ağaç, bu küçük meydanda beni bekliyordu.
Before getting to Kadikoy seaside, I made a detour to Yeldegirmeni, which means windmill, that I love wandering around. In this small square, this beautiful tree with its Christmas decorations still on was waiting for me.
Before getting to Kadikoy seaside, I made a detour to Yeldegirmeni, which means windmill, that I love wandering around. In this small square, this beautiful tree with its Christmas decorations still on was waiting for me.
Sahile yöneldiğimde ara sokaktan, mendirekteki fener bana göz kırpıyordu.
As I headed towards the shore, a tiny lighthouse has been blinking to me from a long distance.
Peaceful but still dynamic at this time of the day, Kadikoy square made me feel both pleased and blue.
Sonra doğu tarafındaki ikiz kulelere çevirdim kafamı.
Then I turned my head to the twin towers in the East.
Biraz ileride yüzünü de dönmeye başladı bana.
As I walked a little, they started turning their face to me.
As I walked a little, they started turning their face to me.
Tabii henüz ışığını kaybetmeye başlamış ay dedeyi selamlamadan olmazdı.
Of course it wouldn't be complete if I hadn't hailed the moon that has just started waning.
Sabaha kadar sürecek uzun gecenin hazırlıkları bir aşamaya geldi böylece.
So my preparations for that long night has come to a certain level physically and mentally.
So my preparations for that long night has come to a certain level physically and mentally.